Engage & Mission Schedule
Spark has planned for this year’s Engage status by selecting the missions marked with asterisks to be supported. Each month a particular mission will be highlighted. However, donations are accepted for any of these missions throughout the year to support others locally and globally. Mark your giving envelopes and/or checks to designate a contribution to a given mission. Make all checks payable to Good Shepherd UMC. Thank you for your generous support of people needing assistance around the world.
January/February: Souper Bowl Challenge (Food Pantry)
March: UMCOR Disaster Response and Special Advances (as they occur)*
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) responds to dozens of unsung disasters every year. When a natural or human-caused disaster strikes outside of the United States, UMCOR serves as the primary channel for United Methodist assistance. This includes supporting refugees fleeing disasters with food, water, hygiene, and other essential non-food supplies and temporary shelter.
UMCOR Sunday is March 30!
April: Heifer International Living Gifts*
This project works with communities to end hunger and poverty. It works directly with families by providing animals and training to become self-sufficient in sustainable ways appropriate for their circumstances. Families pass on the gift by providing their animals’ offspring to other members of the community, along with the training they have received, ensuring an ever-widening network of hope, dignity, and self-reliance.
May: Haiti Project – Grace’s Children’s Hospital and Outpatient Clinic*
Grace Children’s Hospital continues to provide in-patient and out-patient care for children and families with tuberculosis, HIV/ AIDS, and respiratory infections as well as provide follow-up care. Care is provided to those who would not be able to afford it otherwise and gives hope for children to live beyond their low life expectancy.
June: Liberia Project – Bishop Craig Children’s Village*
The Bishop Craig Children’s Village has been in operation since 2000. This project provides for the basic needs, education, counseling, and healthcare to children in the Bishop Judith Craig Children Village. The center provides counseling, healthcare, education, and shelter to destitute youth in war-torn areas. Children orphaned by Ebola have found help and hope at the Village.
July: Centro Familiar Cristiano (Summer Children’s Program)*
This summer program at Centro Familiar Christiano UMC seeks to provide an opportunity for educational and spiritual growth for children of the Melvindale community within a safe, supportive multicultural experience at the church. The children gather each weekday for educational and spiritual programs and lunch during the month of July.
August: NOAH Project at Central UMC Detroit
The NOAH Project aims to compassionately end homelessness in Detroit by extending radical hospitality to and entering into trusting relationships with homeless Detroiters. Using their volunteer-led bag lunch program as an initial engagement strategy, the NOAH Project works to empower people, regardless of how they ended up in homelessness, to find their individualized path to self-sufficiency through case management, street outreach, and a variety of community center programs targeting hygiene, health, and wellness.
September: Red Bird Community Health Center*
The Red Bird Clinic strives to improve the health of those living in remote mountain Appalachia where other services do not reach, or to persons that have limited or no transportation to available services by providing health programs. Their discount sliding scale fee programs ensure that medical and dental care, rehabilitation, and preventative services are accessible.
October: Mission Personnel – MI Conference – Randy Hildebrant*
Randy Hildebrant is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church assigned as a Church and Community Worker at God’s Country Cooperative Parish, based in Newberrry, Michigan. The parish consists of seven churches. Randy works with them in community development, leadership development, special projects, and in hosting volunteer-in-mission teams. He travels among and speaks often in the churches. God’s County Cooperative Parish has been a transforming community for 30 years.
November: Cass Community Social Services*
Cass Community Social Services offers programs to people living in areas of concentrated poverty in Detroit. Each year 700,000 meals are served, 300 men, women and children are housed, 125 developmentally disabled adults participate in a skill building program, hundreds get medical care through a free clinic with the help of WSU and up to 85 people are employed in their Green Industries program. In addition, Cass is developing a neighborhood of Tiny Homes adjacent to the main Cass Campus.